Patrick O'Brian Compendium©
The Works of Dean H. King
Dean H. King has been instrumental in helping readers worldwide get a better understanding of all the concepts, geography, history and culture in Patrick O'Brian's work. He also gives those of us who have read all the Aubrey/Maturin series more books to feast on. Your webmaster still keeps a copy of Sea of Words nearby as he re-reads the A/M series. Click here to go to the official Dean King web site or go to Dean's Facebook page.
Lately, he has been writing of things far more arid - see below for details. Click on any title listed to read reviews or purchase from Amazon.
A Facebook Testimonial
to Dean from His Pastor
Apart from God, family and the search
committee, few people have been as pivotal
to my being your rector as Dean King and
his wife Jessica. Yep. Twenty-four years
ago, they were invited to a party in
Richmond, Virginia with the express
purpose of showing Melanie and me how
spiffy young people with Chapel Hill and
New York City in their backgrounds might
want to live in Richmond. And it worked.
We might not have ended up in Richmond if
not for Dean and Jessica, and it was from
there that I was prepared to come to
was Dean who inspired me to consider my
own life of letters, and after several
years of watching him write and sell books
at the highest level, I wrote my first
book under his guidance and acquired a
publisher. Indeed that book deal came
through before I even finished writing the
book, and at the very time the search
committee at St. Michael’s found me and
called me to be your rector. That book
gave me little fame and no fortune, but it
did establish me somewhat credibly as a
writer and teacher of the things of God,
and you all hired me, in part, with that
on my resume.
King is not exactly a household name, but
he is the kind of author that has fans all
over the world who eagerly await his next
project, each having loved his last. He
began in magazine writing as a young
Carolina graduate living in New York City.
Always entrepreneurial, Dean found niche
markets underserved by writers and
publishers. One such was the fanbase of
sea-faring adventure novelist Patrick
O’Brian, whose Aubrey-Maturin series
inspired the movie Master & Commander
with Russell Crowe. Dean created a series
of companion books—maps and dictionaries
and so forth—to parallel the O’Brian books
and made a name for himself. He then
cracked the long mystery of Patrick
O’Brian’s true identity, and wrote the
definitive biography of the man. That book
landed Dean a multi-page review in The New
York Times Book Review, and a bigger
next book, Skeletons on the Zahara, was a
huge success for Dean, being an
international hit with editions in several
foreign languages. It was the tale of an
American ship captain, who was wrecked off
the coast of West Africa, enslaved by
traders, and dragged across the Sahara.
The captain’s memoirs were widely read in
the mid-19th century, and are said to have
inspired Lincoln’s growing animus against
slavery. Dean recreated many of the
adventures himself in preparation to tell
the tale. Skeletons was followed by other
historical nonfiction narratives including
covering the women of Mao Tse Tung's
infamous Long March and the feud between
the Hatfields and the McCoys. The latter
book, The Feud, continues to sell and gets
Dean plugged into all sorts of bourbon and
reality-tv boondoggles.
new book is Guardians of the Valley: John
Muir And The Friendship That Saved
Yosemite, ‘a dramatic and uplifting story
of friendship, the written word, and the
transformative power of nature.’ I have
been listening to Dean talk about this
book from before he wrote the first
sentence, to now that it is out in a major
top-tier national release. And of course I
love that the book is about the spiritual
journey of John Muir, the fruit of a
zealous Christian family, who was also a
man of learning, science, business, and
adventure, and his editor and friend,
Robert Underwood Johnson. Likewise,
writers, editors, friends and the
transformative power of nature are a big
part of my life. I hope you will plan to
be at church for Adult Forum this Sunday
to hear Dean King. Dean’s book does not
come out until next week, but he will have
some advance copies available for purchase
after his talk.
![]() Coming out on March 21. 2023 is Dean's latest work Guardians of the Valley. |
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An amazing tale of shipwreck and survival in Africa in the early decades of the 19th century. |
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The story of the 30 women on the Long March in China in 1934, exhaustively researched and documented and, as always, told with excitement and enthusiasm. |
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O'Brian: A Life Revealed
A complete and sympathetic biography, wherein we find that Jack Aubrey and Steven Maturin may not have been the only fictional characters. Kudos may be found here. |
Now in the 3rd Edition - a synopsis of each Aubrey/Maturin book, with maps of the voyage (even to the fictional destinations) and descriptions of the most important items in each work. Here's what others say about this work |
Also in the 3rd Edition - indispensable reference to almost all the terms in the Aubrey/Maturin series, organized alphabetically, with several informative essays about the Napoleonic era at sea. Find out what a galipot really is. The reviews are here. |
A collection of descriptions of life in the Napoleonic era, as told by real-life sailors and others. Not everyone got to sail with the likes of Jack Aubrey. Universal acclaim located here. |
The Heart of Oak Sea Classic Series is edited by Dean King. They are all very good companions to the Aubrey/Maturin series, giving different perspectives on the events of the Napoleonic era. Click on any title listed to read reviews or purchase from Amazon. | |
The Black Ship | An account of the mutiny of the crew of the H.M.S. Hermione, in which the real-life H.M.S. Surprise played a key role |
Decision at Trafalgar | Contains a unique social history of the decisive battle at Trafalgar, including what it meant to the English people and the environment surrounding it. Much more than just a description of the battle, though that's in there, too |
Doctor Dogbody's Leg | Tongue-in-cheek tall tales from one naval surgeon's perspective |
Lord Cochrane, Seaman, Radical, Liberator : A Life of Thomas, Lord Cochrane, 10th Earl of Dundonald | The real-life captain of H.M.S. Surprise, after whom Patrick O'Brian modeled several events in Jack Aubrey's career |
Mr. Midshipman Easy | A very readable account of Frederick Marryat's voyages with Lord Thomas Cochrane |
Percival Keene | Rags-to-riches at sea, in which the title character meets Napoleon |
Peter Simple | A good account of life aboard ship, but told from the point-of-view of the lower deck. Those tars seem to have to have an awful lot of fun at each other's expense |
The Rover | Vintage Joseph Conrad (his last book) lots of subtle philosophical insights into the period of the French Revolution and the age of Napoleon |
The Wing-And-Wing or Le Feu-Folet : A Tale | By James Fenimore Cooper, this one is a tad windy, if you get my drift (and if you have tried to read Last of the Mohicans, you will) |
King unveils his work, Unbound,
the Virginia Festival of the Book, March 19, 2010. |
King at the 2004 Virginia Festival of the Book, leading
the discussion session "Master and Commander: The Far
Side of the World". |
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